Security is about protecting assets. In this short blog, we provide a concise list of ways to protect your rural business from the impact of crime.
There are various forms of crime currently impacting the farming and rural communities:
- Fly-tipping
- Tractor GPS theft
- Quad bike theft
- Livestock rustling
- Pet theft
Before beginning this article, here are a couple of recent blogs we’ve published on the subject of rural crime:
How to improve farm security and deter criminals
How criminals use drones to target businesses
Rural crime survey 2021 – the impact on rural communities
Fly-tipping CCTV. Helping to reduce the impact of crime

Rural Security Checklist – How to Protect Your Rural Business
This checklist splits into three areas, as well as some useful links related to the topic:
Table of contents
Physical – tools, equipment and buildings
- Make sure you keep farm vehicles and plant machinery out of sight. Lock them up, remove the keys and keep them in a safe
- Review the site perimeter for access points; block them if they aren’t regularly used
- Ensure hedgerows and plants are well-trimmed. Thieves use them when carrying out surveillance
- Make sure you store your tools securely
- Anchor down quad bikes, and block them in (if they aren’t stored in a building overnight)
- Remove Tractor GPS systems wherever possible, as they are highly sought after. Mark your kit with forensic or indelible ink
- Outbuildings. Make sure all hinges work and locks are fit-for-purpose
- Makes sure you lock all windows and doors, even when you are at home
- Have a tick box process at the end of each shift; make sure all security measures are being adhered to

The local community – working together to deter crime
- If there is a local Rural and Farm Watch scheme, join it. Working together as a community to deter crime.
- Create a local WhatsApp group to share information about local criminal and suspicious activity
- Get to know your neighbours and build a relationship with your local rural crime team
- Involve the Police. Report all crimes and suspicious sightings to them
- Use the Crimestoppers number to report rural crimes anonymously. If you are worried about criminal taking revenge, this option keeps you nice and safe
- Post incidents on social media, involve the wider community

Tech – modern electronic security systems and recommendations
- Implement intruder detection systems in and around your outbuildings and property
- CCTV. If you have it, get it. Make sure it is a quality system; clear images, day and night
- Make sure you fit all quads and tractors with tracking devices and immobilisers
- Use security floodlights and movement detection alarms on farm buildings
- Perimeter Security. Do you have CCTV monitoring the perimeter? Is there effective fencing in place?
- Use CESAR vehicle marking to deter criminals and aid recoveries
- Make sure fuel tanks are alarmed
- Consider an ANPR camera to monitor the main entrances. If the system picks up the same number plate regularly, you might have a criminal casing your premises
Useful links
Our business covers Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, and Wiltshire.
Here are some useful links related to rural crime in the counties we cover:
Berkshire & Oxfordshire
Thames Valley Police – Rural Crime
ACE (Agricultural and Construction Equipment) Police Unit
Find out more about our farm security system services today.
Experts in CCTV, access control, perimeter security, and alarms.