Here’s the Safeguard Systems guide for plant theft prevention for farms and construction sites
Plant theft has been on the rise in the construction industry and for rural businesses for years.
Plant theft at building sites and farms isn’t opportunist in nature as criminals and thieves identify and target sites and vehicles.
The impact of plant theft on businesses such as farms, construction companies and other firms who operate heavy machinery can be vast.
In this blog we cover the actions you can take to protect your business and the services we offer to help reduce the impact of crime.
What type of rural businesses are at risk from plant theft?
Typically the main businesses to be affected by this form of criminal activity are agricultural businesses such as farms and construction companies, managing and operating building sites.
How can you reduce the impact of plant theft on your business?
Preventing plant theft can be achieved by following these simple, but effective crime reduction actions.
Here’s a comprehensive overview of the steps you can take to mitigate the cost of plant theft on your rural business.
In a nutshell there are steps you can take however a solid investment in the following areas will help you massively:
- CCTV systems – video surveillance and security cameras
- Perimter security solutions – PIR beams and monitored CCTV systems
- Intruder and security alarms – wired, wireless and remotely monitored alarm systems
Reducing Plant Theft on Farms and Agricultural Businesses
Here’s a list of the steps you can take to reduce the impact of theft on your rural and construction business:
- Do not leave vehicles in a field overnight
- We fully understand that time can often be a factor in moving your vehicles back to a secure storage location at the end of the working day
- But what impact would it have on your operations if you were the victim of theft or vandalism?
- Do not leave vehicles parked out of sight (behind buildings, containers or barns).
- Thieves know where to look, so simply tucking your vehicles away overnight could carry sizeable risks to your business
- Store agricultural vehicles in barns or yards
- Our recommendation is to back valuable plant machinery in with other vehicles. If this is not possible, consider chaining them together and securing them to a floor-mounted securing point
- Install a high quality CCTV system covering the barn/yard and all entrances.
- For business without the capacity to man their cameras 24/7 we fully recommend investing in a fully monitored CCTV system.
- Standard HD CCTV systems will still capture the footage of criminals breaking into your yard, but at Safeguard Systems we always believe prevention is better than the cure.
- A remotely monitored video surveillance system is monitored by a security systems professional. If a potential threat is spotted, they can call out over a tannoy system to stop the intruder in their tracks
- Identify and register plant/agricultural vehicles with the DVLA or, if not appropriate, with a property register such as CESAR
- Install building and perimeter security alarms. If the building is in a remote location, you can set your alarms to alert you via mobile phone.
- Alternatively, have a look at our monitored alarm system page to see if investing in this type of system will act as a more effective deterrent
- Ensure plant/agricultural vehicles have a unique/single key such as an immobiliser key
- Ensure the vehicle cab is fitted with lockable windows and that these are locked when the vehicle is not in use
- Fit an immobiliser.
- Consider GPS and VHF tracking systems such as Tracker
- Fit mechanical-locking systems.
Reducing Plant Theft on Construction Sites
Here’s a list of tips you can implement to help reduce the risk of plant theft on your construction business. Building firms are investing more and more in construction site security systems to help deter and reduce crime.
- Register you plant vehicles with the DVLA and if possible implement GPS tracking.
- Where possible, make these measures highly visible on the vehicles to deter thieves
- A simple A4 laminated sheet detailing all of the security measures you’ve taken could act as a deterrent
- Use an immobiliser on all plant machinery. Although your modern criminal is resourceful and may be able to negate an immobiliser, this will buy you time
- Install a robust security system. We recommend an integrated CCTV and security alarm system. We also suggest a perimeter security alarm which triggers when potential intruders near access points of your site
- Park all plant machinery together and chain it up where possible – simply make it difficult for criminals to have their way
- Ensure all keys are safely stored and locked away in a office
- Check that all plant machinery is fitted with lockable windows
Security Systems for Farms. CCTV and Security Alarms for farms and equestrian centres.
Farms will often require plant machinery from time to time.
For security conscious operators and owners of farms we have a full range of CCTV and security alarm systems to cover all needs.
In a recent blog we discussed the cost of rural crime in the UK. In 2018 alone we saw the cost of rural crime in the south hit £8.6 million.
Therefore investing in security systems has become ever more relevant to the industry.
The types of heavy machinery farms operate on a daily basis include:
- Tractors
- Hay and forage machines
- Tillage machines
- Agricultural harvesters
- Loading and digging machines
If any of this equipment was stolen, vandalised or damaged past the point of immediate repair it would have a significant impact on daily business.
An investment in a robust security system can help to reduce crime and the financial impact of criminal activity.
CCTV Systems for Farms. Helping to prevent plant theft and prosecute criminals
Farms of all sizes can benefit from investing in a CCTV system. Whether you’re looking for a highly visible deterrent or a system to catch and prosecute criminals, there are various CCTV surveillance systems for farms we’d recommend.
Here’s a quick summary of how to CCTV systems for frame can help reduce plant theft.
High Definition (HD) and Ultra HD CCTV systems for farms and rural business
HD CCTV surveillance systems are the perfect solution for farm operators looking to protect their premises, particularly during low light and after hours.
In our experience, there’s nothing more heartbreaking when a business has suffered a break-in only to find their CCTV cameras aren’t fit for purpose.
Grainy, distorted images won’t enable anyone to identify the culprit, leading to a poor chance of prosecuting them.
HD CCTV systems offer crystal clear images, providing a far better security solution.
These systems can be designed to operate in isolation from your current IT systems.
Alternatively they can be integrated with your current infrastructure through an IP based CCTV system.
Monitored CCTV Systems for Farms. 24/7 surveillance across your premises
It’s common knowledge those working in the agricultural industry work crazily long hours, from dawn to dusk.
However, it’s uncommon for these businesses to be staffed through the night.
Therefore, most CCTV systems will act as a deterrent but thieves will know if they are careful, they’ve got a good chance of getting away with the loot.
For these reasons, we recommend considering investing in a remotely monitored CCTV system.
These surveillance systems are monitored 24/7 by an experienced security professional in a control centre.
Certain monitored systems can have audio built in, enabling your offsite security guard to warn the criminals they have been seen and the authorities notified.
Security Alarm Systems for Farms. Helping to reduce machinery theft and vandalism
Here at Safeguard Systems we often refer to security alarms as the backbone of a business’s security needs.
Security Alarms often act as a deterrent to criminals, helping to reduce the impact of crime and the operational problems it creates.
There are various options available to those in charge of security at farms and other agricultural businesses.
These include:
- Wired alarm systems
- Wireless security alarms
- Remotely monitored alarms systems
There are benefits to each system, dependent on objectives and budget.
Reduce the Impact of Crime on Your Construction Site. Invest in a Security System.
Construction sites are often the target for theft, break ins and vandalism.
Over the last 5 years, theft on construction sites has nearly doubled. Tools are the most common target for criminals however there has been a steep rise in the number of incidents of plant theft in the construction and building industry.
The most common types of plant equipment stolen on construction sites include:
- Breakers
- Excavators
- Diggers
- Rollers
Whether owned directly by the construction company or leased, theft or damage to any of these machines presents a range of issues.
Projects can be delayed, equipment needs replacing and insurance claims need to be made.
None of which is conducive to the smooth running of a building site.
Through investing in CCTV systems and security cameras, construction companies increase the chance of catching and successfully prosecuting criminals.
If you couple a CCTV surveillance solution with a robust security alarm system, you have an effective deterrent in place.
CCTV for construction sites. Helping to catch and deter criminals
When looking for sites to target, criminals will be looking out for a number of things.
Those in charge of security for construction sites should ask themselves these questions:
- Does the site have effective deterrent in place?
- Is our site an easy target for thieves?
- If the site is breached and plant equipment stolen, are our cameras fit for purpose? Will they help identify the culprits?
Here at Safeguard Systems, we have a full range of CCTV surveillance systems for the construction industry.
These include:
High Definition (HD) CCTV Systems for building sites.
Gone are the days of having to make do with grainy images from your CCTV cameras.
Say goodbye to hard-to-see, black and white CCTV images.
Modern technology now enables businesses to employ a CCTV surveillance system that acts as a deterrent to criminals.
Where criminals ignore the deterrent, a HD CCTV system will provide high quality images, straight to a smart device or control screen.
These images will provide the basis for helping to catch and prosecute intruders.
Remotely Monitored CCTV systems – 24/7 Security for Your Construction Site.
Did you know an investment in a monitored CCTV system can reduce the cost of security and help to reduce plant theft?
On-site security relies on staff monitoring the surveillance cameras alongside their other duties. Threats can get missed, leading to theft, vandalism and more.
A remotely monitored CCTV system, is managed and monitored off-site, 24/7 by a skilled security professional.
This vastly reduces the chance of security threats and in many cases reduces the cost of security by 60-80%.
Monitored CCTV surveillance cameras can integrate with audio, enabling your off-site guard to interrupt and challenge intruders.
Again, reducing the potential impact of crime and plant theft.
Security Alarms for Construction Sites. Deterring Criminals Before they get in
Security Cameras on their own are a decent deterrent to plant theft and other forms of crime on construction sites.
When coupled with an effective CCTV system, the deterrent becomes a tool in catching and prosecuting criminals.
There are various options available to those in charge of security on construction sites.
These include:
- Wired alarm systems
- Wireless security alarms
- Remotely monitored alarms systems
Each alarm system has its own merits and the team at Safeguard Systems will recommend the right alarm system for your needs and budgets.
If you’re in charge of site security, have a read of our recent construction site security guide.
How can you reduce the impact of plant theft on your business? Here’s our summary.
As we’ve seen from this blog, plant theft is a huge issue for businesses operating in the agricultural and construction space.
Millions of pounds every year are lost due to the impact of crime.
Through an investment in effective security systems, businesses can greatly reduce this impact.
The result?
Peace of mind, less operational headaches, improved profits and reduced financial losses.
Talk to the team today or or call us now to discuss your immediate requirements.on 0800 689 1835 [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]